M.Ed. Daniel Schönbauer, StR i.K.
Lecturer for English Literatures and Cultures and Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Office hours
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Research interests
Fremdsprachendidaktik / Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Fokus: Literatur- und Kulturdidaktik)
Anglophone Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures (Foci: Caribbean, Australian, Nigerian and Indigenous Literatures)
Young Adult and (YA) Dystopian Literatures

Short CV
since 11/2020: Teacher (Studienrat im Kirchendienst) at the St.-Ursula-Gymnasium Brühl
since 10/2020: Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragter) at the University of Bonn (Fachdidaktik Englisch)
2020-2021: Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragter) at the University of Münster (Fachdidaktik Englisch)
2019-2020: Trainee Teacher (Studienreferendar) at the Zentrum für schulpraktische Lehrerbildung Köln
2018-2020: Research Assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the University of Bonn (Fachdidaktik Englisch)
2017-2018: Research Assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the University of Tübingen (Didaktik des Englischen, Prof. Dr. Uwe Küchler)
2017-2018: Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragter) at the University of Bonn (Fachdidaktik Englisch)
2015-2017: Student/Research Assistant at the University of Bonn (Fachdidaktik Englisch, Prof. Dr. Uwe Küchler)
2015-2017: Teaching Degree Master of Education (English/History) at the University of Bonn
2015-2017: Student Assistant at the University of Bonn (Bildungswissenschaften, Prof. Dr. Ladenthin)
2014-2015: Semester Abroad at the University of Wales Swansea
2012-2018: Scholarship of the Foundation of German Business (sdw)
2012-2015: Teaching Degree Bachelor of Arts (English/History) at the University of Bonn
PhD Project
Teaching Nigeria in the EFL Classroom (Working Title)
Prof. Dr. Frauke Matz & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich
Winter Term 2023/2024:
- Reading Nigera in the EFL Classroom: What? Why? How? (MEd Seminar)
- Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA/MEd Colloquium & Workshop Series)
Summer Term 2023:
- Visions of the Future: Utopia and Dystopia (MEd Seminar)
- Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA/MEd Colloquium & Workshop Series)
Winter Term 2022/2023:
- Begleitseminar Englisch: Fachdidaktik II - Observation, Experience, Insight (MEd Seminar)
- Stories from Down Under: Australia and New Zealand in the EFL Classroom (MEd Seminar)
- Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA/MEd Colloquium & Workshop Series)
Summer Term 2022:
- The Perks of Growing Up: Young Adult Literatures in the EFL Classroom (MEd Seminar)
- Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA/MEd Colloquium & Workshop Series)
Winter Term 2021/2022:
- Begleitseminar Englisch: Fachdidaktik II - Observation, Experience, Insight (MEd Seminar)
- Global Identities in a Postcolonial World: Gateways for English Language Education (MEd Seminar)
- Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA/MEd Colloquium & Workshop Series)
Summer Term 2021:
- Introduction to the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA Übung)
- Voices from the African Continent: Nigeria in the EFL Classroom (MEd Seminar)
- Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA/MEd Colloquium & Workshop Series)
- Students for Students: Focus on Examinations (MEd Übung - U Münster)
Winter Term 2020/2021:
- Brave New Teenagers: Young Adult Dystopian Fiction(s) in the EFL Classroom (MEd Seminar)
- Teaching Shakespeare in the EFL Classroom: What? Why? How? (MEd Seminar)
- Begleitseminar Englisch: Fachdidaktik II - Observation, Experience, Insight (MEd Seminar)
- Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA/MEd Colloquium & Workshop Series)
- Reading Nigeria (MEd Seminar - U Münster)
Summer Term 2020:
- Introduction to the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA Übung)
- 'All the World's a Stage' - Reading and Shakespeare in the EFL Classroom (MEd Seminar)
- Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA/MEd Colloquium & Workshop Series)
Winter Term 2019/2020:
- Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA/MEd Colloquium & Workshop Series)
- Begleitseminar Englisch: Fachdidaktik II – Observation, Experience, Insight (MEd Seminar)
- Imperialism and Colonialism in Bilingual History Teaching (MEd Seminar gemeinsam mit MEd Florian Helfer, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft)
Summer Term 2019:
- Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA/MEd Colloquium & Workshop Series)
- Teenage Dreams and Nightmares: Reading and Teaching Young Adult Fiction(s) (MEd Seminar)
- Fictions of Migration: Postcolonial British Experiences in the EFL Classroom (MEd Seminar)
Winter Term 2018/2019:
- Begleitseminar Englisch: Fachdidaktik II – Observation, Experience, Insight (zwei MEd Seminare)
- Greetings from Down Under: Australia and New Zealand in the EFL Classroom (MEd Seminar)
- Myths and Realities: Reading and Teaching the American Dream (MEd Seminar)
- Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA/MEd Colloquium & Workshop Series)
Summer Term 2018:
- Visions of the Future: Utopia and Dystopia (MEd Seminar)
- Echoes from the Empire: Diasporic Experiences in Postcolonial Britain (MEd Seminar)
- ‘The Shakespearience’: Reading and Teaching Shakespeare in the EFL Classroom (MEd Seminar)
- Teaching English as a Foreign Language (BA Übung)
- Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA/MEd Colloquium & Workshop Series)
Winter Term 2017/2018:
- Postcolonial Indian Experiences: Faces of a Rising Nation (MEd Seminar)
- Teaching Shakespeare in the EFL Classroom (BEd Proseminar – U Tübingen)
- Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA/MEd Colloquium)
Summer Term 2017:
- Teaching English as a Foreign Language (BA Übung)
- Postcolonial Short Fiction in the EFL Classroom (BEd Proseminar – U Tübingen)
- Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA/MEd Workshop Series)
Winter Term 2016/17:
- Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA/MEd Colloquium & Workshop Series)
Summer Term 2016:
- Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (BA /MEd Colloquium & Workshop Series
Learning with Nigeria in the EFL Classroom (Lehrerfortbildung an der Gesamtschule Mechernich, November 2020)
“Going Global – Global Citizenship Education” (Fachtag Englisch des Westermann Verlags, Essen, Februar 2020)
"Getting Started: Nigeria in the EFL Classroom" (Netzwerk Schule - Lehrertag NRW, Dortmund, November 2019)
"Literary Explorations: Introduction to Nigerian Diasporic Literature & Culture in the EFL Classroom" (Lehrerfortbildung an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, September 2019)
"Reading and Teaching Nigeria in the EFL Classroom". (zwei Lehrerfortbildungen beim Westermann Verlag, Düsseldorf & Köln, April & Mai 2019)
“Voices from the African Continent: Nigeria in the EFL Classroom”. (Lehrerfortbildung am Gymnasium Lechenich, Erftstadt, April 2019)
“Postcolonial Nigerian Experiences in the EFL Classroom”. (Lehrerfortbildung am St. Ursula-Gymnasium, Brühl, March 2019)
“Literary Visions of the Future: Utopia and Dystopia” (Projektwoche des St. Ursula Gymnasiums, Brühl, September 2018)
"Reading and Teaching Caribbean Diasporic Experiences" (GAPS Conference, Nationalism and the Postcolonial, Mainz, May 2018)
"Revision Course (Fachdidaktik I: Literatur- und Kulturdidaktik & Sprach- und Mediendidaktik)" (Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language, Bonn, January 2018) (with Bianca Göbler)
"Leading the Classes" (Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language, Bonn, October 2017) (with Bianca Göbler)
"Indian Diasporic Experiences in the EFL Classroom" (GAPS Conference, Representing Poverty and Precarity in a Postcolonial World, Bonn, May 2017) (with Bianca Göbler)
"Revision Course (Fachdidaktik I: Literatur- und Kulturdidaktik & Sprach- und Mediendidaktik)" (Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language, Bonn, January 2017) (with Bianca Göbler)
"Postcolonial Short Fiction in the EFL Classroom" (Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language, Bonn, July 2017)
"Leading the Classes" (Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language, Bonn, November 2016) (with Bianca Göbler)
"Teaching Postcolonial Short Fiction in the EFL Classroom" (Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language, Bonn, July 2016
(2023) New Zealand. Praxis Englisch 1 (2023). Braunschweig: Westermann. (mit Günther Sommerschuh)
(2021) 'All the World's a Stage': Shakespeare in Englisch Language Education. Topics - Tasks - Selected Texts. Baden-Baden: Tectum.
(2020) Interkulturelles Lernen im Englischunterricht: Fokus Nigeria. Themen, Texte und Aufgaben. Seelze: Klett Kallmeyer (mit Roman Bartosch, Petra Bosenius und Elizabeth Gilbert).
(2020) Postcolonial Indian Experiences: Teaching the Faces of a Rising Nation. Baden-Baden: Tectum.
(2023) Forschendes Lernen im Bilingualen Geschichtsunterricht - Zwischen Hochschuldidaktik und schulbezogener Geschichtsdidaktik. In: Birgit
Peuker, Maike Busker, Hanne Rautenstrauch & Jens Winkel (Eds.), Forschendes Lernen in der fach- und fachrichtungsbzeogenen, universitären
Lehrkräftebildung. Darmstadt: wbg Academic. (mit Florian Helfer)
(2022) Lehramt Englisch: Synergien zwischen Fachdidaktik und Fachwissenschaft. In: Roland Ißler, Rainer Kaenders & Stephan Stomporowski (Eds.), Fachkulturen in der Lehrerbildung weiterdenken. Bonn: V&R, 63-102. (mit Dr. Imke Lichterfeld und Philipp Reul)
(2021) 'Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair": Teaching the Scottish Play in the EFL Classroom. In: Daniel Schönbauer (Ed.), 'All the World's a Stage': Shakespeare in English Language Education. Baden-Baden: Tecum, 109-124. (mit Sophie Gnech)
(2021) Introduction: 'All the World's a Stage' - Shakespeare in English Language Education. In: Daniel Schönbauer (Ed.), 'All the World's a Stage': Shakespeare in English Language Education. Topics - Tasks - Selected Texts. Baden-Baden: Tecum, 10-11.
(In print) Exploring Nigerian Afrofuturism in the EFL Classroom. In Frauke Matz, Mark Stein & Klaus Stierstorfer (Eds.), Reading Nigeria. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
(2020) Nigerianisch-diasporische Erfahrungen im Englischunterricht. Eine kritische Annäherung. In: Roman Bartosch, Petra Bosenius, Elizabeth Gilbert & Daniel Schönbauer (Eds.), Interkulturelles Lernen im Englischunterricht: Fokus Nigeria. Themen, Texte und Aufgaben. Seelze: Klett Kallmeyer, 165-182.
(2020) Introduction: Postcolonial Indian Experiences - Teaching 'the Faces' of a Rising Nation. In: Daniel Schönbauer (Ed.), Postcolonial Indian Experiences: Teaching the Faces of a Rising Nation. Baden-Baden: Tecum, 10-18.
(2023) Fokus: Exploring the Land of the Long White Cloud. Aotearoa New Zealand im Englischunterricht. In: Praxis Englisch 1(2023), 46-48.
(2022) Fokus: The United Kingdom in the European context: Brexit, monarchy and modern democracy. In: Praxis Englisch 6(2022), 44-46.
(2022) Fokus: To adapt or not to adapt Shakespeare? In: Praxis Englisch 5(2022), 44-46.
(2022) Fokus: Getting involved locally and globally ... in class? In: Praxis Englisch 4(2022), 44-46.
(2021) Global Nigeria - biographical encounters. In: Praxis Englisch 3(2021), 39-43.
(2021) Exploring Space: A Listening Tour to the Kennedy Space Center. In: Praxis Englisch 1(2021), 15-19.
(2020) Invitation to Indigenous Tanzania in the intermediate EFL Classroom. In: Praxis Englisch 4(2020), 29-30.
(2020) Fokus: Afrika im Englischunterricht als Chance begreifen. In: Praxis Englisch 4(2020), 6-8.
(2020) There’s a chicken in the kitchen! Introducing Nigerian picture books in the (early) EFL Classroom. In: Der Fremdsprachlicher Unterricht Englisch 166, 12-18.
(2019) Shakespeare Goes Manga: A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In: Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht Englisch 5, 4-7.
(2019) Eco-Dystopian Visions of the Future: Saci Llyod's The Carbon Diaries: 2015. In: Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht Englisch 1, 4-7.
(2021) Nigerian Indigenous Culture. In: Frauke Matz & Philipp Siepmann (Eds.), AbiBox Nigeria. Laatzen: Brinkmann Meyhöfer.
(2020) Camden Town Oberstufe. Lehrermaterialien Qualifikationsphase. Braunschweig: Westermann. (mit Anne-Karin Böker, Florian Brauel, Ilka Kratz, Tom Schrock und Alexander Woltin).
(2019) Camden Town Oberstufe. Lehrermaterialien Qualifikationsphase. Braunschweig: Westermann. (mit Anne-Karin Böker, Florian Brauel, Ilka Kratz und Tom Schrock)
(2019) Camden Town Oberstufe. Klausurvorschläge Qualifikationsphase. Braunschweig: Westermann. (mit Martin Bieling, Hans Georg Henkel, Tina Türk und Alexander Woltin)
(2019) Deutsche, Franzosen und der Rhein. https://www.rheinische-geschichte.lvr.de (letzter Zugriff: 21.02.2019). (mit Julia Meier)
(2017) Warum studieren Studierende? In: Volker Ladenthin & Mario Leis (Eds.), Warum unsere Studenten so sind, wie sie sind. Bonn: VKW, 21-30.
Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies (GAPS)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenunterricht (DGFF)